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Melamaster Bookclub Pot Stand


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New for 2025, the Studio team are relaxing and unwinding with this Bookclub design. In mellow warm colours, you will be happy to snuggle down with a book, while your favourite brew and biscuits sit on one of these beautiful trays. Available on all products, making it easier to mix and match, to create that perfect set up, so all you need to do is sit and relax.

Our moulded pot stand is sized at 163mm diameter
Strong and highly durable, using a production process which utilises melamine compounds.
A melamine resin on the surface provides resistance to stains and temperatures of up to 95 degrees Celsius.
Dishwasher safe (on a cool cycle).

Additional information
Weight 0.151 g
Dimensions 163 × 163 × 10 mm



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